A downloadable game for Windows

On that day, three students were participating in a virtual tour application creation competition. As they contemplated suitable places to collaborate with, they decided to choose locations in Bukittinggi because distant places held greater potential for winning the competition.

They designed a virtual tour application to be implemented practically and beneficial for their partners, in the form of a proposal. They faced some rejections and made improvements, but they didn't give up easily. They continued refining their design until one day, on Monday, March 14, 2022, they were announced to have passed the initial selection stage.

They received funding from the competition organizers to develop the virtual tour application. They had to depart from Bandung to Jakarta on March 21, 2022, using a bus, then from Jakarta to Padang by plane, and finally from Padang to Bukittinggi using a shuttle service.

Upon reaching Bukittinggi, they were greeted by the family of one of them. They rested for a day and resumed their activities the next day, on March 23, 2022. They approached the tourism office to collaborate on promoting the tourist attractions in Bukittinggi. The tourism office granted permission for the three youths to create the virtual tour application. They began capturing images the following day at the Panorama Park and Ngarai Sianok tourist spots.

After capturing images and panorama videos, they started developing the virtual tour using the collected materials over the course of several days. By April 2, they completed the virtual tour application and submitted it to the tourism office.

Once everything was done, they commenced their journey back from Bukittinggi to Padang by shuttle service, then from Padang to Jakarta by plane, and finally from Jakarta to Bandung by bus. However, before heading home, they enjoyed the beauty of Bukittinggi and bought some souvenirs for their families and friends.


  • Pixtim - The Sport Car with interior
  • Synty Studios - Simple Sky
  • Palmov Island - Low Poly Houses Free Pack
  • Sysdia Solution Ltd - VRTK v4
  • Pino_156 - Classroom
  • Nayrissa - 371 Simple Button Pack
  • Fuzzeke - Do Or Die
  • NAMI - Nitrous Oxide Sound Effect HD
  • Jack Agutter - Coin Pickup Sound
  • BlueSpeedy - Crashing (Sound Effect)


Skybound Adventure.zip 54 MB

Install instructions

How to Play: (Without Oculus)

  1. Download the mentioned game above
  2. Open Skybound.exe
  3. Enjoy the game!

How to Play: (With Oculus)

  1. Download the mentioned game above
  2. Extract the zip
  3. Install Oculus App for windows (https://www.meta.com/help/quest/articles/getting-started/getting-started-with-ri...)
  4. Follow the instruction in the link above to install Oculus App
  5. Setup Oculus App
  6. Connect the Oculus with usb or same wifi
  7. Open Skybound.exe
  8. Enjoy the game!

Development log

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